What Does Booktrix Do?
Booktrix works with publishers, authors and content owners of all kinds. We provide consulting, intelligence, active marketing and book packaging services with a deep commitment to quality, creativity, innovation and vision. We are experienced in almost every aspect of publishing, sales and distribution, and use that experience along with our belief that change is good, to help our clients meet and overcome the challenges of a changing marketplace. Whether you need to outsource book packaging and editorial development, find new customers, deploy online marketing, introduce new media into your projects, evaluate your distribution and sales systems, or any other aspect of your business, please contact us. And we always welcome authors, nonprofits and corporations with publishing needs to talk to us for highly professional consultation.
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Featured Project
We managed production of the extraordinary Seeds on Ice, the remarkable story of the Global Seed Vault—and the valiant effort to save the past and the future of agriculture.