Booktrix produces video for a new book

We’ve added video book trailer production to our suite of services. We’re mostly interested in the creative use of media, and it is definitely fun to translate print into other forms. While we still think our friends at Vidlit have produced some of the best flash book trailers ever, we’re very proud of ours. View it for yourself here. It’s short and to the point - and we’ve noticed that on the 40+ sites where we’ve posted, it is getting alot of attention and praise from viewers. We’re promoting Secrets of 24, a terrific book edited by Dan Burstein and Arne deKeijzer. For all you 24 show junkies denied a new season to watch, this book will help you get through your period of withdrawal. As always Dan and Arne have cast a broad net and given intellectual credibility to a pop culture phenomenon. And if you like this intersection between different art forms, spend some time at our "other" site, Livewriters, and join that conversation by posting some videos of your own.