Book distribution continues to be a challenge for most publishers. Selling to the chains and to Amazon without a distributor can certainly be done, and for some publishers is both viable and effective. But for many publishers, finding the right distributor and making the right deal is a critical step in gaining entry to the book marketplace.
Booktrix follows the changing distribution landscape closely, knows all the distributors and publishers who distribute books, and maintains contact with publishers who are clients of distributors. We can provide you with expert guidance in matching your needs with the most appropriate distribution partner.
We can help you understand what your distribution options are, and then help you choose the most appropriate form of distribution for your publishing program, now and in the future.
We can help you negotiate the best possible distribution agreement, and we can help you learn how to work effectively with a distributor to maximize your sales and marketing benefits.
We have been on both sides of the table; we know how the system works from the inside and can save you time and money in every step in the distribution and sales process.