About Booktrix

Booktrix is an active consultancy, providing innovative and traditional book and marketing services to publishers, authors and content owners.
We are web savvy and at the same time deeply committed to the traditional editorial values of the written word, concerned with content, but always mindful of the need to connect products with readers. Our goal is to win customers to the pleasure of reading books and book content in many formats and by doing so to help publishers and authors transform their business models.
Head Trickster David Wilk has held executive positions in publishing, wholesaling and distribution. Starting first as a writer, then an editor, book designer and publisher, he has now worked in the book industry for more than thirty years. David has worked closely with hundreds of publishers in every aspect of distribution and sales, business development, marketing and author relations. He has also worked closely with many authors and content developers to bring their works from concept or manuscript to successfully published and distributed books.
In addition to being a writer, editor, book designer and publisher, he has been a book packager, founded and operated a book wholesaling business, and worked extensively in book distribution in both small and large companies. In recent years he has consulted with a number of independent publishers and authors, working closely with them to develop publishing opportunities as well as alternative business models.
David has been active in nonprofit, charitable and social change organizations, including founding the Small Press Action Fund and most recently, a water issues advocacy organization called Turn to Tap (http://www.turntotap.com).
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